2025 Wisconsin Diversity Generals

Wisconsin, Non-Equity, Diversity Auditions

The 2025 Wisconsin Diversity Auditions will be held live February 17, 2025 at Next Act Theatre’s rehearsal hall from 12 – 7pm.

There are two ways to audition:

  • In person audition, available to individuals who identify as members of at least one invited group
  • Virtual audition, available to anyone who identifies as an underrepresented group, including groups not invited to the live audition

People participating in the live auditions are invited and encouraged to also audition virtually.

Who Should Audition?

In person auditions are open to individuals who identify as at least one of the following: 

Asian, Southeast Asian, or Asian American

Black, African, Caribbean, or African American

Indigenous, First Nation, or Native American


SWANASA South West Asian (this includes, but is not limited to: Arabs, Aramaens (Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs), Armenians, Circassians, Copts, Imazighen, Jews, Kurds, Persians, and Turks), North African, South Asians, Roma, and South Asian Americans

Pacific Islanders or Native Hawai’ian

Biracial, Multiracial


Gender Non-Binary, Genderqueer

Agender, Neutrois

Bigender, Androgene

Aporagender, Third Gender

Polygender, Multigender

Genderfluid, Genderflux


Other Underrepresented Forms of Gender Identity

Physical Disabled, Actors with a Physical Disability

Blind, Visually Disabled, Actors with a Visual Disability

Deaf/deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Disabled, Actors with a Hearing Disability


Cognitively Disabled, Actors with a Cognitive Disability

Autistic, Actors with Autism, Actors on the Autism Spectrum

Intellectually Disabled, Actors with an Intellectual Disability

In addition to the in person auditions, we are also accepting virtual submissions. Any individual identifying as one of the above groups may do both the in person and virtual option.

If you do not identify with any of the above groups, but believe you are part of an underrepresented group not mentioned, you may submit a virtual audition, where participating theaters will have access to your submission. 

If you have any question as to whether or not you are part of a group invited to audition in person, please email us at auditions@allin-mke.com

All auditioners must be 18+ and a resident of Wisconsin. While we are not requiring proof of COVID vaccination on the date of, we do ask that if you are sick or have symptoms, that you please exercise caution and stay home.

At this time, we are also accepting:

Director and Designer resumes and portfolios from individuals who identify as female and/or any of the aforementioned underrepresented groups. Please email your resume and portfolio to auditions@allin-mke.com.

How to Sign Up to Audition In Person?

To register for the in-person Diversity Generals, please fill out this form by end of day February 13th, 2025. Upon the submission of your completed form, a member of our team will follow up with you to confirm your registration and time slot

How to Audition Virtually?

To register to audition for the Diversity Generals virtually, please fill out this form. Upon the submission of your completed form, a member of our team will follow up with you to confirm your registration and will provide instructions on how to upload your videos, headshot, and resume.

What Should I Submit?

Each actor will have five minutes to perform. Actors are encouraged to present their strongest performing materials in that time. We suggest cuts of a combination of two monologues and/or songs, as this is what most theatres attending will be looking for. This could be two songs and a monologue, two monologues and a song, or two longer song or monologue cuts not to exceed five minutes total. 

You can also present non-traditional forms of audition, such as storytelling or movement. If you plan to present something that isn’t a monologue or a song, please email us at auditions@allin-mke.com so we can prepare accordingly. If you are both auditioning in person and submitting a video, you may use the same or different pieces. 

Your audition video should also include a slate of your name and, optionally, your pronouns and the titles of the pieces you’re performing.

If you choose to submit songs, you may either supply your own accompaniment, or email auditions@allin-mke.com and an accompaniment track will be provided for you at no cost to you. 


Our goal is to eliminate as many barriers to entry as possible. Email auditions@allin-mke.com if you lack access to any of the following:

  • Accompaniment for your audition video (one will be provided for in person auditions)
  • Professional headshots
  • Transportation to the in person audition

If you have any other barrier that would prevent you from otherwise participating in this audition, please email auditions@allin-mke.com and we will try to assist you in overcoming this barrier. 

Audition Location: 

Next Act Theatre
255 S. Water St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204

Participating Theatres: 

Acacia Theatre Company
All In Productions
American Players Theatre
Bard & Bourbon
Boulevard Theatre
Cap and Glasses Studio
Door Shakespeare
First Stage
Forward Theater Company
Janesville Performing Arts Center
Kohl’s Wild Theater
Lori Lins LTD
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
Milwaukee Rep
Next Act Theater
Pink Umbrella Theater Company
Renaissance Theaterworks
St. Croix Festival Theatre
Summit Players Theatre
The Constructivists
Theatre Gigante
Theatrical Tendencies
Third Avenue PlayWorks
Vanguard Productions

Last year over 30 theaters from Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago attended. Stay tuned and we will update this page to include a list of participating theaters closer to the event.